Bang by Roosh V
Bang by Roosh V PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Bang contains simple but effective techniques, moves, and lines that teaches you how to have consensual sex with women. It includes...
- The 8 essential beliefs of the alpha male
- The 5 critical components of the "vibe," an optimal attitude women find most attractive
- Tons of natural, high-impact opening lines that work just about anywhere women can be found
- Best answers to a girl's common questions that heighten the tension and build attraction
- A technique to get her phone number without asking for it
- Detailed text messaging strategy that shows you word-for-word how to get dates in the shortest amount of time possible (no need to make voice calls)
- The one text messaging mistake 95% of guys make that kill the interaction
- A simple trick for the first date that will make her feel like she has known you longer than she actually has
- "Four key moves" to the kiss that are so natural and easy to pull off that the girl won't even recognize them as moves
- A comprehensive dating strategy so you sleep with her no later than the third date
- The 5 magic words to say when you want to get inside her place
- How to make a smooth transition to the bedroom
- 7 detailed steps to taking off her clothes
- How to approach girls in coffee shops, the gym, and foreign countries
- How to prevent a girl from seeing you as too young or too old
- A bonus "cheat sheet" that contains six of the most crucial points you need to remember when it's time to pickup girls
- Internal Game. How to build your confidence and adopt the correct beliefs that maximize your notch count
- Early Game. How to meet women, have good conversations, build attraction, and get either numbers, kisses, or one-night stands
- Middle Game. How to set up a date along with what to do and say while out on them
- Late Game. How to seal the deal and plan for future dates
- End Game. How to take your results to the next level
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